
For press inquiries, please contact:


For any inquiries about store sales or distribution, please contact:


Booking and shows, please contact:

For demos, check our demo policy first. After that, you can send them to:


Subroutine Records
t.a.v. Demos
Admiraal de Ruijterweg 179-2
1056 GD Amsterdam


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Subroutine: ‘A set sequence of steps, part of a larger program.’


Subroutine Records is an indielabel that operates from Groningen. Subroutine’s goal is to introduce alternative indie bands to a larger audience. The label will release cds and vinyl records of talented bands on a regular basis and supports creative freedom of the artist. Subroutine organizes live concerts and functions as booker for its associated bands. Subroutine works primarily with Dutch bands. Subroutine sees itself as an independent organisation taking measures to serve a bigger (indie) scene.


Subroutine Records is een vanuit Groningen opererend onafhankelijk platenlabel. De doelstelling van Subroutine is alternatieve bands waar zij in geloven onder een breed publiek te verspreiden. Subroutine brengt op reguliere basis cd’s en platen uit van talentvolle bands. Subroutine staat voor creatieve vrijheid. Het label houdt zich tevens bezig met het organiseren van live-concerten en boeken van bands waarmee het zich associeert. Subroutine richt zich in eerste instantie op Nederlandse underground bands. Subroutine ziet zichzelf als een zelfstandige organisatie, die stappen onderneemt in dienst van een groter geheel.


Subroutine Records 2005


All demos received by Subroutine are listened to. We would prefer if you could send your best tracks rather than sending loads. If we like what we hear, then we will get back to you and ask to hear more. Please make sure your contact information is clearly visible. Demos are acceptable in all formats, but we prefer to hear them on Soundcloud. Please do not send MP3s by email. They will be deleted immediately and not listened to.

It is a good idea (if you haven’t done so already) to listen to some of the Subroutine catalog prior to sending us your music. This is because you should choose a label whose music you like and want to be associated with. It is just as important that you like us as is that we like you.


Subroutine cares for privacy. We don’t use cookies to trace you. We don’t ask more information of you -our customer- than necessary (name, address and e-mail). We do not store your data longer than necessary. We send newsletters, but only to those have given permission in the past. If you no longer want to be informed about our bands or activities, you can unsubscribe and we will delete your data. If you have any questions about our privacy policy, ask us.